DBS Transgender & Non-binary Applications

DBS Transgender & Non-binary Applications

DBS Transgender applicants may encounter a challenging experience when undergoing a DBS check. It’s completely understandable if you have reservations about revealing former names or genders to your employer due to concerns about potential workplace harassment. Regrettably, if proper measures to uphold confidentiality are not adhered to, there’s a risk of being referred to by one’s previous name, a practice known as dead-naming.

DBS Transgender

DBS Transgender applications:

Under normal circumstances, DBS applicants’ name history must be viewed and checked by a member of staff at the organisation conducting the check. However, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) offers a confidential checking service for transgender applicants in accordance with the Gender Recognition Act 2004. This is known as ‘the sensitive applications route’, and is available for all levels of DBS check: Basic, Standard and Enhanced.

This process is for DBS transgender applicants who do not wish to reveal details of their previous identity to the organisation that has requested a DBS check for them.

The DBS Sensitive Applications Team

If you are Transgender and require a DBS Check, but you’d rather not disclose your former identity to your employer or on your DBS certificate, you should get in contact with the DBS’s dedicated sensitive applications team before you submit an application.

They’ll take things from there, and advise further.

Contacting the Sensitive Applications Team for DBS Transgender Applications

You can contact the sensitive applications team by calling on 0300 106 1452 or emailing sensitive@dbs.gov.uk. Please note, that the telephone number also has an out-of-hours answering machine where you can leave your details, and a member of the team will call you back.

Use this link to visit the Sensitive Applications page on the gov.uk website.

Gender and Non-Binary DBS Applications

Unfortunately, the Sensitive Applications Route isn’t very well optimised for non-binary DBS applicants. This route is conducted digitally, and the online application form has no option for the applicant to enter their own title, just the standard “Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.” gendered titles.

Non-Binary applicants therefore have the undesirable choice of entering an unsuitable title on the digital form, or using the more expensive, very time-consuming paper application route.

Also unfortunately, regardless of whether a Paper application or a Digital application is completed, the form will require the applicant to select their gender as either “Male” or “Female”.

Using The Regular DBS Route

If you are happy to disclose your previous identity to your employer, you do not need to contact the sensitive applications team. 

If this is the case, then you can simply enter this information in the ‘any other names’ part of your application form.

Summary: DBS Transgender & Non-Binary Applications

The DBS offers a confidential checking service for transgender applicants who don’t want to disclose their former identity to their employer. It’s known as ‘the sensitive applications route’, and is available for all levels of DBS check. However, this route is incompatible with non-binary titles such as Mx – a paper DBS application must be used for applicants who wish to enter their own “other” title.

Unfortunately, both online and paper applications require the applicant to declare themselves as either Male or Female.

DBS Transgender

Apply For Your DBS Check Today

If you want to begin the DBS process, you’re in the right place! With Aaron’s Department, you can apply for a Basic, Standard, or Enhanced DBS Check from as little as £5.45

Take advantage of our fast and affordable, error-proof, online system for your DBS checks by registering your company.

Our team of experts is here to help you during the week from 8:00am until 5:00pm (including Bank Holidays). For any clarifications, you can call us on 0113 877 0171, or email contact@aaronsdepartment.com.

About The Author

FAQ: How Often Should DBS Checks Be Renewed In Schools?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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