Standard DBS Checks Completed With 48 Hours

Standard DBS Checks
by Aaron’s Department

At Aaron’s Department, we process dozens of Standard DBS applications every day, by our team of experienced countersignatories.

All our DBS checks are processed the same day (when submitted to us before 4:00pm), allowing you to get your staff into action faster than ever before. Over 95% of our Standard applications are completed within 48 hours of being sent to the DBS.

With simple application forms and free fast tracking, it’s never been easier to get Standard DBS checks for your employees!

Next-Day Results

The majority of our Standard DBS checks are completed with 24–48 hours.

Online Tracking

Keep up-to-date with your applications using our online tracker.

Free Fast Tracking

All applications we receive before 4pm are processed the same day

What is a Standard DBS Check?

A Standard DBS check is a tool used by employers and licencing agencies to disclose an individual’s criminal record information.

Specifically, Standard DBS checks discloses any convictions (including spent convictions, but not filtered convictions), cautions, final warnings, and reprimands the applicant has. Fore more information about Standard DBS checks and the terminology used, we’ve linked some helpful articles and a video below:

Our guide to Spent & Unspent Convictions
Our guide to the Filtering Of Convictions

Standard DBS Check
Online Standard DBS Check

How To Apply for a Standard DBS Check

Only employers can request Standard DBS checks for applicants, and it must be done through a Registered Umbrella Body, like Aaron’s Department!

Applications done through Aaron’s Department can be completed by the applicant or the organisation. Any application we receive before 4:00pm (Mon-Fri) will be processed the same day, meaning DBS checks can be completed quickly.

How Much Does a Standard DBS Check Cost?

Official DBS FeeAdmin FeeTotal


£8.75 (+VAT)

£26.75 (+ Admin Fee VAT)

We also give out free admin credit as a discount if you pay for checks in bulk!
It’s also worth noting that if your applicant is a volunteer, the DBS fee is waived, lowering the price to just £8.75 +VAT.

No sign up fees, no hidden costs.
Simply pay for what you need, when you need it!

Who needs a Standard DBS Check?

Standard DBS checks are only available for a rather eclectic mix of job roles, all of which involve a high level of trust, but don’t involve working directly with children or Vulnerable Adults.

Common examples include professions regulated by the FSA, roles where the applicant will have access to the personal data of Vulnerable groups, and legal professionals.

The list goes on, so for more info, have a read of our 2-minute guide: What is a Standard DBS check used for?

Can I Apply for my own Standard DBS Check?

Only organisations can submit applications for Standard DBS Checks, on behalf of their staff or volunteers, and only if they meet the DBS’s eligibility requirements.

Independent contractors and other self-employed workers who need a Standard DBS check have different options based on their circumstances.

We’ve created a page to advise in more detail, linked here: DBS Checks For Self Employed Workers

The 5 Steps of a Standard DBS Application

With our online DBS system, getting a Standard Disclosure as an employer has never been easier!

Step 1

Enter the name and email of your applicant into the system and an invitation is sent.

Step 2

The applicant logs in and fills out the application (or you can do it on their behalf).

Step 3

The candidate shows you the required documents (or use our Digital ID Check service to do this step for you!).

Step 4

You confirm that you have seen the documents, and that they are legitimate (or confirm receipt of the Digital ID Check results), and press send*.

Step 5

The application is processed by the DBS, and your applicant receives their Standard DBS Certificate.

*(If any errors are identified by our team of countersignatories, you will be quickly notified, so amendments can be made.)

Standard DBS Checks:
What does Aaron’s Department Offer?
  • Seriously low admin fees, and free admin credit.
  • Free-of-charge registration, and no hidden costs.
  • A simple, automated process.
  • An error-proof system, highlighting any potential mistakes.
  • Professional and knowledgeable customer support.
  • A built-in tracking system, as well as progress update emails.
  • Fantastic services, that seamlessly integrate with each other.
What Aaron's Department Offer