How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check?

Once your DBS application form has been filled out by yourself, a representative, or the company you are applying through, they need to prove your identity! So, you may be asking “How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check?”

Your ID is used so your company Evidence Checker can verify that you are who you say you are, and that all the information on the application is correct. Employers must follow the ID Checking guidelines set out by the DBS. A failure to do so could result in incorrect DBS applications being submitted, and if the DBS detects an incorrect application, they’ll reject it without refund!

There are two ways you can verify your identity:

How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check? – Digital ID Checks

A Digital ID check allows you to use an online portal or phone app to submit proof of the requested documents. The system will scan the documents, run its checks in the background, and either approve or reject them.

Digital ID checks save you having to post your documents, or show them to your employer in person.

How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check?

How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check? – Physically Showing Your Identity Documents

If your employer isn’t using a Digital ID Check, like the ones provided at Aaron’s Department, you will have to physically show your employer your ID.

You can do this by either taking them to the premises in-person, or posting them. Of course, there is always a risk when posting things out, especially when it is a high-value document like a Passport or Driving Licence. If you are going to post them out, make sure it is via recorded delivery.

Please note: photocopies or PDFs cannot be accepted. It must be the original document.

Summary – How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS check?

You can verify your identity for a DBS check by either showing your employer your physical documents, or by completing a Digital ID check.

Your employer should tell you what documents you need to provide, but if not, you can check out our list of valid documents for a DBS check.

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About The Author

FAQ: Which DBS Is The Best?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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