Can I Still Work If My DBS Has Expired?

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and secure working environment. As they are often a legal requirement, it leads to employees asking, “Can I still work if my DBS has expired?”.

Can I Still Work If My DBS Has Expired?

DBS checks do not have an expiry date, meaning you can continue to work when an employer decides to get a new DBS check on your behalf.

Whilst DBS’s do not have an expiry date, it is important to remember that they are only correct until the moment they are printed. This means that any convictions, cautions, or reprimands done after the DBS check will only appear when a new DBS check is completed.

Can I Still Work If My DBS Has Expired?

When Is A New DBS Check Required?

There are several reasons why an employer may request a new check:

  • Time Passed: They may feel that enough time has passed to warrant a new DBS check. The longer it is left, the more unreliable the Certificate is.
  • Role Requirements: If an employee goes into a new role, that would require a different check, a new one must be completed.
  • Company Policies: Some organisations have internal policies that mandate regular DBS checks for all employees, irrespective of their role.

Conclusion – Can I Still Work If My DBS Has Expired?

As there is no expiry date for a DBS check, you can continue to work whilst a new DBS check is being completed. It is mainly up to the employer on when a new DBS check should be done, as a Certificate is more deemed to be more unreliable the older it is.

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About The Author

FAQ: Which DBS Is The Best?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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