DBS Checks Temporary Roles, Are Checks Essential?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re working full-time or on a temporary basis – if your role requires a DBS check, you must have one.
For example, a student working in a care home over the summer on placement would still need an Enhanced DBS check with Adults Barred List, just like anyone else would (assuming the roles being undertaken require the check).
Do All Roles Need a DBS Check?
If the role doesn’t legally require a DBS check, then one doesn’t have to be carried out. If you want to do one anyway to help with the recruitment decision regardless, you would only be able to get a Basic DBS check.
It is important to remember that only those over the age of 16 can have a DBS check.
How Long Do DBS Checks Temporary Roles Take?
There is no guaranteed timeframe for a DBS check to be completed in, as it can depend on various factors, such as previous living history and having the same name as someone else – all of which can potentially increase the return time.
At Aaron’s Department, we do all we can to help get your candidates into work faster by processing every DBS application we receive the same day (when submitted before 4pm).
Can A Temporary Employee Start Before A DBS Check Comes Back?
If a DBS check is legally required for the role, then the answer is no.
However, if working with vulnerable adults as part of the job, an Adult First check can be requested as part of the Enhanced with Adults Barred List DBS check.
This will (usually) tell you within 48 hours whether a candidate is allowed to work with vulnerable adults whilst being supervised.
If this comes back clear, the employee can begin this supervised Regulated Activity whilst they wait for the Enhanced DBS certificate to be completed and returned.

Do Temporary Volunteers Need A DBS Check?
If the role would usually require one, then a volunteer must get a DBS check, whether part-time or full-time or in a voluntary capacity.
Volunteers are entitled to a free DBS check, meaning they only have to pay the admin (processing) fee!
To get a free DBS check, the individuals must meet certain criteria, which basically relates to them not financially benefiting from the role.

How To Get A DBS Check For Summer & Temporary Workers
You can apply for any level of DBS check through a Registered Umbrella Body, like Aaron’s Department.
To get DBS checks temporary roles, simply click the button below, or alternatively book a discovery demo to find out more, by clicking the other button.
If you’re not too sure about the level of DBS check required, you can get in touch with us before applying. We’ll be more than happy to discuss it with you and help give some peace of mind! If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@aaronsdepartment.com or call us at 0113 877 0171. We’re always here to help!