FAQ: Who Pays For a DBS Check?

Who pays for a DBS check? If you, or your staff require DBS checks, it’s good to know who has to foot the bill, and how much they can expect to be charged!

In this article, we’ll cover DBS check prices, volunteer discounts, and employer/employee responsibilities.

How much does a DBS check cost?

At the time of writing, these are the charges that apply for one of each type of DBS check using Aaron’s Department:

Basic Check:

£18.00 Government fee (No VAT), £5.45 Admin fee (+VAT)

Standard Check:

£18.00 Government fee (No VAT), £8.75 Admin fee (+VAT)

Enhanced Check:

£38.00 Government fee (No VAT), £10.95 Admin fee (+VAT)

Adult First:

£6.00 Government fee (No VAT), £5.45 Admin fee (+VAT) (Can be applied to Enhanced Checks to allow the applicant to start work ASAP, click here to read more.)

All of the Admin Fees are subject to our free admin credit discount when paying for checks in bulk. Visit our pricing page for more info!

FAQ: Who Pays For a DBS Check?

Who Pays For A DBS Check: Employers

In general, The responsibility of paying for DBS checks the employer or organisation that requires the check. Because DBS checks are legally required for the purposes of safeguarding vulnerable groups or ensuring public safety, it’s treated as a cost of doing business.

However, there is no legal requirement for the employer to cover DBS costs. It is their decision if they want the applicant to pay, and for some types of employers, (such as staffing agencies) this is the norm.

Who Pays For A DBS Check: Volunteers

Volunteers applying for Standard or Enhanced DBS checks are not charged the Government Fee by the DBS. That means the only charge left to pay is the application fee of the Umbrella Body whose DBS services you are using.

To meet the DBS’s definition of a volunteer, the applicant must NOT be:

  • Receiving any payment for their role (except for travel and other approved out-of-pocket expenses).
  • On a work placement.
  • Directly benefitting from the position the DBS application is being submitted for.
  • In a trainee position that will lead to a full-time job or qualification.
  • Undertaking a course that requires them to do the job role.

If you’ve got an applicant who can be classed as a volunteer, letting the DBS know on the form is a great way of saving £18 or £38 on your staff DBS checks! Click here to read more about volunteer DBS checks on our dedicated page.

Who Pays For A DBS Check: Individuals

In some cases, individuals may be asked to cover the cost of their own DBS check, particularly if they are self-employed or applying for voluntary positions.

However, it is more common for employers to bear the expense, recognising it as part of their duty to ensure the safety and integrity of their workforce and the people they serve. At the end of the day, there is no legal obligation for employers to cover the costs of their staff DBS checks.

Positions where employees often have to cover the cost of their own DBS check include:

  • Self-employed workers – For example, taxi drivers, private tutors, childminders.
  • Agency workers – Often have to pay for their own checks, to stop them getting a free DBS and moving on to other employers using it.
  • Volunteers – Often have to pay for their own checks due to limited resources, or to reduce strain on a charity’s budget.

It’s important to check with the organisation requesting the DBS check to confirm who is responsible for paying the fees, as there is no set answer to this question.

Further Reading: Who Pays For a DBS Check?

To find out more about the services we can offer, our article, DBS Checks For Organisations is a good place to start.

If you’ve got any questions, please feel free to get in touch – you can email contact@aaronsdepartment.com or call us on 0113 877 0171.

Who pays for a DBS Check
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