How To Easily Withdraw a DBS Application

What do you do if you need to withdraw a DBS application?

There can be many reasons you would need to withdraw a DBS application, but one of the most common reasons for the withdrawal of a DBS Check is due to an applicant pulling out of contention for the role, meaning you don’t have the legal right to check their background information.

However, whatever the reason, here is how to properly withdraw a DBS application to ensure you stay on the right side of the law.

Withdraw a DBS Application

Can You Withdraw a DBS Application Once It Has Been Started?

Before we get started, is it possible to actually withdraw a DBS application? Yes, you can withdraw a DBS application once it has been started. 

There are a few ways you can withdraw the application once it has been started. The route taken to withdraw depends on what will be the easiest for the employer and the applicant.

You will also need to request this withdrawal before the application reaches the printing stage of the process, but you will not receive a refund.

You can withdraw an application by emailing the DBS withdrawals team at
or writing and sending a withdrawal letter directly to the DBS withdrawals team:

Withdrawals Team
1st Floor West
PO Box 165
L69 3JD

Withdraw a DBS Application

What Do You Need to Withdraw a DBS Application?

Before you inform the DBS, you must have the following information at hand first:

If you’re the applicant:

  • Full Name.
  • Application Ref Number.
  • Full Address.
  • Date of Application.
  • Signature (unless an email).
  • Date of Birth.

If you’re the registered body:

  • The Applicant’s Full Name.
  • The Application Ref Number.
  • Date of Application.
  • Countersignatory Number.
  • A Matching Countersignatory Number (unless an email).

In some cases where there is not enough information provided, the DBS Withdrawals department will send a pro forma letter asking for additional information.

Other Reasons for a DBS Check Withdrawal

An applicant pulling out of the role isn’t the only need for a DBS Check to be withdrawn. There are often occasions when a DBS check comes back and has incorrect information included on them, with the most common being spelling mistakes or the omission of a previous name. In cases such as these, the only way to change this is to withdraw the application and start again.

If there is an offence on a DBS certificate which the person in question says isn’t true, then this is a data source dispute and will need challenging. You can report the mistake within 3 months of the date on the certificate, by filling out a DBS certificate disputes and fingerprint consent form, which is on the website.

Withdrawing A DBS Application – Conclusion

In conclusion, you can withdraw a DBS application after it has been started, there are many reasons why you may need to do this, including incorrect information, or the applicant not moving forward with the job, meaning that you no longer have permission to run a check on them. No matter what, a withdrawal of an application is still possible.

withdraw a DBS application

Get in Touch

If you’re an Aaron’s Department customer and need help withdrawing an application, then please email us to, or give us a call on 0113 877 0171.

For any other help, you can find out more on our dedicated help and advice page.

Further Reading

We hope you have found our article on how to withdraw a DBS Application helpful, for more useful information on DBS Checks and what they entail, you can read one of our useful articles below.

Understanding The DBS Vulnerable Adult Definition

How Long Do Police Cautions Stay On Your Record?

DBS Checks – Why Confidentiality Is Important

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