The Most Common DBS Check Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

DBS Check mistakes

At Aaron’s Department, DBS Checks are our bread and butter. After dealing with so many of them daily, we’ve seen plenty of DBS check mistakes. From small spelling errors to applicants filling in the wrong name, we’ve seen it all, which means our experience can help you avoid the common DBS Check mistakes out there.

When paper applications were at the peak of their popularity a few years back, such errors would cause delays to businesses and individuals as they waited for the application to reach the Disclosure and Barring Service, and then for them to notice something wrong, and send it back via Royal Mail.

Thankfully, now we have online applications, where our automated system checks for errors, which has significantly accelerated the application process. Rather than wait weeks or months, it’s now days or even hours.

But even the smallest of DBS check mistakes can add unnecessary time to a DBS process.

So, hopefully, this article will help you avoid the most common DBS check mistakes in the future, to help accelerate the process of your application.

Putting Names Twice

Unless your parents really liked your first name, it’s highly unlikely they would also give it as a middle name too. In the application form, you’re asked to include your first and middle name(s), and it’s become a common mistake for some to put their first name in the “Middle Names” section.

Whilst middle names are usually unimportant when filling out forms, this isn’t the case with a DBS application, as each piece of information is just as important as the next.

First Names and Surnames are also usually not the same, but they can be – just look at Gary and Phil Neville’s dad!

So, unless you or your employee really is called John John Smith, please carefully read what each section is asking!

Country, County – Potayto, Potahto

It is interesting the difference a single letter can make. At first glance, county can easily be mistaken for country, and it often is. There’s a big difference between saying you live in the County of England, and the Country of England.

Spending an extra second checking which section you are filling in could save you hours, if not days, of waiting time.

Previous Names Not Being Submitted

This error is probably more likely to be made when someone else is filling out an application on behalf of someone who has been married.

Even though you may think that only the current name is important, a full history of names is necessary when having a background check. Mrs Smith may not have committed any offences, but when she was Miss Davidson, she might have!

When someone was born in 1960 but was only known by their current surname since 1995, it can raise further questions and leaves a gap in their history, which needs to be filled. Of all the DBS Check mistakes, this is one of the most frequent.

Incomplete Address History

Another easy DBS Check Mistake is incomplete address history. The DBS requires you to provide your address history for the previous 5 years. Our online DBS check will not allow you to continue without this being filled in completely, but make sure that you do fill this in correctly. No guessing.

Nicknames Aren’t First or Legal Names

I think we all know someone that we know only by their nickname.

I knew a Jim – I could have sworn that was his first name, but it wasn’t. Jim was “short” for James. The same goes with the likes of Daisy, which is short for Margaret. These names are often misinterpreted as first names, even by the owner of the name. 

It’s important when filling out a DBS to use the name that appears on official documents, such as a birth certificate. When filling out these forms, you need to have seen some official documentation from the individual, so just copy out the exact name written. We see this DBS check mistake quite often.

You just might be surprised at someone’s ‘real’ name – here are some common ones that often get confused.

Forgetting Flat Numbers

Another DBS Check mistake that we often see is the omission of a flat/apartment number. If the address you provided was, for example, Aaron Towers, you would need to provide the number of the property that you reside at. Any omission would mean we would have to make further enquiries, which could delay the check.

Providing the Wrong Documents or Photocopies

There is a strict list of documents that need to be provided when filling out a DBS application. During the process, you’ll be made aware of the types of documents that need to be provided, and these can’t be substituted out for others. The correct documents need to be provided to ensure the process is straightforward and as quick as possible.

Remember, with these documents, only originals are accepted. Photocopies are not accepted due to some people amending them, which results in false information being provided. This DBS Check mistake is one that can delay an application significantly.

DBS Check Mistakes

General Typos

The smallest action can change the course of history, and even the smallest typo can delay your DBS application.

Whether it be misspelling a town name, putting in the wrong number for a driving licence, or even putting a letter instead of a number (0 and o/O being the most common) these DBS Check mistakes can be so easily avoided.

Even though we know what we mean by the typo, others don’t. Any information that doesn’t align with the original documents can add significant delays to your application. It only takes a second to double-check the form you’ve filled out – this is much better than adding unnecessary time because of submitting the application with a mistake!

DBS Check Mistakes – Summary

In conclusion, DBS check mistakes can cause significant delays to the application process and some of the most common DBS Check mistakes, such as putting names twice, and general typos are easily avoided. Double-checking all information and using the correct documents can ensure a smooth and efficient DBS application process. If in doubt, double-check everything, don’t rush it, and if you ever think, “I made a mistake on my DBS application form” give us a call on 0113 877 0171!

One of our DBS experts will be more than happy to help you to fill out a check using our Online DBS Application Service, where you can get a check from as little as £5.45!

For anything else relating to the DBS, the answer to your question may be on our help and advice page.

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