It’s only possible to apply for a Standard DBS check if the applicant’s role meets a strict set of eligibility requirements.
Sometimes, the DBS conducts spot-checks and asks employers to explain why their applicant is eligible for the level of check that has been requested, or we (the Umbrella Body) might ask you to make sure your applicant is definitely eligible. In both of these cases, you’ll find this guide useful.
Please read the below Legislative Wording carefully to see if your role(s) meet the Standard DBS check eligibility.

Standard DBS Check Eligibility – Roles May Also Required Adult/Children Workforce | Legislative Wording |
Positions in the financial sector that are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the Prudential Regulatory Authority or the Bank of England, or organisations acting on their behalf. These are commonly referred to as being an approved person, a senior manager or carrying out a controlled function. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 1 |
Director-level individuals of organisations bidding for public contracts, when requested by the contracting organisation. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 2 |
Football stewards. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 3 |
Applying for membership of the Master Locksmiths Association. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 4 |
Holding a restricted interest in a licensed body under Schedule 13 of the Legal Services Act 2007. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 5 |
On entry to the profession of barrister in England and Wales only, or solicitor. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 6 |
On entry to the profession of chartered accountant or certified accountant. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 7 |
On entry to the profession of veterinary surgeon. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 8 |
On entry to the profession of actuary. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 9 |
On entry to the profession of registered foreign lawyer. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 10 |
On entry to the profession of Chartered Institute of Legal Executive (CILEx) legal executive or other CILEx authorised person. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 11 |
On entry to the profession of Chartered Management Accountant. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 12 |
On entry to the profession of Notary Public. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 13 |
– Justices’ clerk – Assistants to justices’ clerks – Certain specific officers for magistrates’ courts, justices of the peace and local justice. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 14 |
Individuals in any role to do with the running of, or working on the premises of: – a prison – a remand centre – a removal centre – a short-term holding facility – a detention centre – a Borstal institution – a young offenders institution and members of boards of visitors. Role may not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 15 |
Any work that relates to providing care services to vulnerable adults, as per sec.59 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, where that work means there is also contact with the patients. Role requires Adult Workforce. This wording does not apply for working with children. Some roles may require an Enhanced DBS check – you can read the eligibility for Enhanced checks by clicking here. | Legislative Wording 16 |
Any work that relates to providing health services where that work means there is also contact with the patients. Requires Adult and/or Children Workforce. Some roles may require an Enhanced DBS check | Legislative Wording 17 |
National Health Service (NHS) Counter Fraud Authority roles involving the investigation of fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity. Role most likely requires Adult and/or Children Workforce. | Legislative Wording 18 |
Any work for an adoption service, an adoption support agency, a voluntary adoption agency, a fostering service, or a fostering agency where that work means that there is also contact with the children or access to sensitive or personal information about them. Requires Children Workforce. If adopting, or a household member of an adopting person(s), and Enhanced DBS check is required. | Legislative Wording 19 |
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) chair and staff who have contact with vulnerable adults or access to personal or sensitive information about children or vulnerable adults. Requires Adult and/or Children Workforce. | Legislative Wording 20 |
RSPCA staff who carry out humane killing of animals. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 21 |
Traffic officers appointed under section 2 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 22 |
Judges’ clerks, secretaries, and legal secretaries. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 23 |
Court officers and court contractors who have face-to-face contact with judges of the Supreme Court, or access to Supreme Court judges’ lodgings as part of their work. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 24 |
Individuals who have regular access to personal information about an identified or identifiable member of the judiciary as part of their work. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 25 |
Court officers and court contractors who go to either the Royal Courts of Justice or the Central Criminal Court as part of their work. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 26 |
Court security officers and tribunal security officers. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 27 |
Court contractors who have unsupervised access to courthouses, offices and other buildings used in relation to the courts as part of their work. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 28 |
Contractors, subcontractors, and anyone working with them, who have unsupervised access to tribunal buildings, offices and other buildings used in relation to tribunals as part of their work. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 29 |
Individuals who are: − Court officers who carry out county court warrants − High Court enforcement officers − Sheriffs, under-sheriffs, and tipstaffs − Under the authority of court officers who carry out county court warrants, High Court enforcement officers, sheriffs and undersheriffs or tipstaffs to carry out High Court writs or warrants − Authorised to carry out writs of sequestration − Civilian enforcement officers as defined in section 125A of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 − Authorised to carry out warrants under section 125B(1) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 and section 125(2) of the 1980 Act − Authorised to carry out clamping orders, as defined in paragraph 38(2) of Schedule 5 of the Courts Act 2003(d) Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 30 |
Court officers and court contractors who carry out the administration and management of funds in court or receive payment following a conviction or order of a magistrates’ court. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 31 |
Office of the Public Guardian staff who have access to data relating to children and Vulnerable Adults. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 32 |
Authorised search officers appointed by the Home Secretary. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 33 |
Individuals, and their direct supervisors, who care for, train, supervise or are solely in charge of armed forces cadets aged under 18. Requires Children workforce. | Legislative Wording 34 |
Fire and Rescue Authority employees. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 35 |
Justice system intermediaries. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 36 |
Approved legal services body manager. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 37 |
Head of legal practice of a licensed body. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 38 |
Chartered Institute of Legal Executive (CILEx) approved manager. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 39 |
Applying for a Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence. Does not require a workforce. | Legislative Wording 40 |
Not Meeting Standard DBS Check Eligibility Criteria
If your applicant’s role does not meet any of the above criteria, then a Standard DBS check cannot be requested.
Applicants working with Vulnerable Adults or children are likely to be eligible for an Enhanced DBS check.
For those not working with any vulnerable groups, and not meeting the above Standard DBS check eligibility criteria, a Basic DBS check can be requested.