How Is A DBS Check Done?

How Is A DBS Check Done?

A DBS check is a relatively simple process. As an applicant, all you are doing is entering information about yourself, and as an employer, you’re just checking there are no mistakes!

How is a dbs check done

How is a DBS Check Done?

A DBS check is done by complete an application form. Once completed, it is sent to the employer, who will check it against the applicant’s ID. Once they’re happy with it, it will be sent to the Umbrella Body, who will give it a final check over, and send it to the DBS. It really is as simple as that! The application form can be completed in just 10 minutes, and there are no hard questions that the applicant won’t know. After all, the information needed is just about them!

How is a DBS Check done

How Is A DBS Check Done Once It Is Submitted?

Once a DBS application has been sent to the DBS, there are a maximum of 5 stages that the application will go through:

DBS Step 1 – The Application Form is Received by the DBS

The DBS will check for errors and omissions. If a mistake is found, the form will be either rejected or further information will be requested, and we will be in contact with you regarding any changes.

DBS Step 2 – Police National Computer (PNC) Search

The key data from the application is then compared against the details from the Police National Computer for any matches.
In some cases, the DBS may also query information if the user has not declared some information on their DBS check, which the DBS can verify at this stage. Basic DBS checks would be completed at this point and move to Stage 5 for printing. Standard and Enhanced would continue the checking process.

DBS Stage 3 – Children and Adults’ Barred Lists searched

The children’s and/or adults barred lists will be searched if applicable for the user’s role (working with vulnerable adults or children). This will bring up any information that may prevent the individual from engaging in regulated, or unsupervised activity with vulnerable adults or children.
A Standard DBS check is not eligible for this stage, as it is for those who are involved in regulated activity with vulnerable adults or children.

DBS Step 4 – Local Police Record Check

This check often takes the longest in the process. If a user has had different addresses, then the individual police forces in those areas will also have to do a check. However, the police are given 60 days to complete their searches. Until these 60 days have passed, no-one is allowed to chase up the request or request that the DBS check be prioritised.

Step 5 – The DBS Application is Completed

Once all the information has been checked and completed, the DBS certificate is ready for printing. Any information is collected, and a final check is done before the DBS certificate is printed. Once the certificate has been printed (done so under highly secure procedures and sealed), it is then posted out to the applicant, not the employer.

How is a DBS Check done

Conclusion – How Is A DBS Check Done?

A DBS check starts with the application being filled out, then checked by the employer, and passed on to the Umbrella Body who will be processing the check. Once everyone is happy with the form, it is sent to the DBS, who will take the application through a maximum of 5 stages before it is fully complete.

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About The Author

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John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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