Summer Internship Success!

As part of our new summer internship program, we’ve had some extra help in our Skopje office.

Dimitar has been a big help improving our user experience, working on some coding projects with us and gaining experience in using PHP, JavaScript, MariaDB, Laravel, Vue, and others. We’re grateful to have had him on the team.

In case you’re interested in a position with Aaron’s Department, here’s what Dimitar had to say about his time with us:

1. How was your internship experience? Was it easy to settle in and get started?

– Overall it was an amazing experience. I quickly got to know the other interns as well as the seniors. The seniors helped us learn a lot and taught us how to optimize our workflow between solving problems on our own and asking for help from them when we’re stuck.

2. What did you enjoy about it? And why?

What I enjoyed the most was that we’re working on a real project with real problems. Also having a team to work with is nice, since you can get different perspectives on the same problem, which can help you see if you’ve made a mistake.

3. Did you learn any new skills? If so, what?

Coming from a background of mostly web development, here I managed to learn a lot about how databases work and a number of other back-end related things. It also helped me to further strengthen my problem-solving abilities and get more comfortable with the technologies I already know.

4. What new challenges did you experience whilst doing the internship?

Other than new logical problems I hadn’t seen before, it took a bit of getting used to using a different operating system (Ubuntu Linux, I come from Windows), since it has different commands and files.

5. Was there anything that you didn’t like about the internship? If so, what?

There isn’t any part of the internship that I especially disliked, the conditions are very good and the people are very nice.

6. Before you started the internship, what did you expect from it?

My expectations were just as I thought. I learned a lot and quickly managed to adapt to the environment.

7. Was there anything that happened that you didn’t expect to happen? How did you feel about it?

Nothing out of the ordinary, most of it has been steady progress. If I had to name something it would probably be that we spent longer than I expected on planning and creating stories.

8. Do you feel like you have benefitted from doing this internship?

Astronomically. The amount of knowledge I gained and experience in problem-solving is akin to a whole years worth of school. If I hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t have learned nearly as much on my own during summer.

9. After doing the internship, are you still interested in following this kind of career?

Yes, especially making my own new projects from the ground up.

10. As a company, what do you think we do well at?

Creating a nice working atmosphere, where you can relax and perform optimally.

11. As a company, what do you think we could improve on?

I can’t really think of anything right now, the atmosphere is really good and I have everything I need. However it would be nice to also be able to experience maintaining an already existing project as well.

12. Would you recommend the internship to others?

Most definitely, this is the kind of experience one needs to consolidate their prior knowledge of coding. It’s also a nice way to connect with new people.

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Our Vacancies

Having read Dimitar’s review, the next step is to see which of our vacancies you’d be interested in! You can visit our Vacancies Page by clicking here.

Following 2023’s success, we will also be running our Summer Internship program again in 2024 – click here to read more about it – so keep an eye out for when it opens up!

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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