FAQ: What is the Barred List?

What is the Barred List?

What is the barred list? The DBS Barred Lists contain the names of individuals who have been barred from working in certain roles or settings. They are maintained and checked by the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service).

There are two Barred Lists: the Children’s Barred list, which contains the details of those unsuitable for work with or around children. The other is the Adult’s Barred List, which contains the details of those unsuitable to work around Vulnerable Adults.

For the sake of clarity, we’ll define Vulnerable Adults as “over-16s receiving treatment or care” – but the DBS definition is slightly more involved than that.

Employers are required by law to check the barred list before hiring an individual for a role that involves working with Children or Vulnerable Adults. The Barred Lists help to protect these individuals from harm by preventing those who pose a risk from being employed in such roles.

What is the Barred List? How to Check The Barred Lists

The only way for employers to check their employees against the Barred Lists is to apply for an Enhanced DBS check with one or both of the Barred Lists included in the check. This can only be done by using an Umbrella Body, such as Aaron’s Department.

To be eligible for the Barred List checks, the position being checked for must involve caring for Vulnerable Adults, or working with/around children. If the candidate will be doing neither, it will not be possible to have them checked against the barred list.

What is the barred list


We hope we have managed to answer the question, what is the barred list. To find out more about the services we can offer, you can read more in our DBS Checks For Organisations article or email contact@aaronsdepartment.com or call us on 0113 877 0171, or you can register below to start your DBS Checks today.

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