Countersigning is an important stage of the DBS application process, so it’s no wonder so many people wonder “Who Can Countersign a DBS Check?”!
In this article, we will discuss how Umbrella Bodies countersign DBS applications, and why it is only them that can do it!
What Is Countersigning?
Countersigning is when a Umbrella Body (like Aaron’s Department) double-checks all the information on a DBS application, and sends it to the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).
This is done by someone called a Countersignatory, who works for the Umbrella Body.
Who Can Countersign a DBS Check?
Only a Countersignatory at an Umbrella Body can countersign a DBS check. This is done after the Evidence Checker at the company wanting the DBS have checked the applicant’s ID and the application form.

What Is An Umbrella Body?
Umbrella Bodies function as an intermediary between an organisation applying for a DBS check, which is entitled to ask exempted questions under the ROA 1974 Exceptions Order 1975 and the Disclosure and Barring Service.
hey provide access to DBS checks for organisations who cannot directly register with the Disclosure and Barring Service.
DBS Umbrella Bodies are some of the only organisations permitted to request Standard and Enhanced checks, so if your business needs these, you’ll be requiring the services of a DBS Umbrella Body.
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Summary – Who Can Countersign a DBS Check?
DBS checks can only be countersigned by Countersignatories, who work for the Umbrella Body that the employer is using to process their DBS checks. Once an application has been countersigned, it is sent to the DBS.
If you found this article on “Who Can Countersign a DBS Check?” handy, you may also want to read about:
FAQ: What is an Umbrella Body?
Enhanced DBS Check – Eligibility Guidelines
About The Author

John Schofield-Antoncich
John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!