Choosing the Right DBS Check Provider

Introduction: Choosing The Right DBS Check Provider

When it comes to hiring new employees or volunteers, ensuring the safety and integrity of your organisation is important. However, selecting the right DBS check provider can sometimes be challenging.

In this article, we explore the key factors to consider when choosing a provider and highlight why Aaron’s Department stands head and shoulders above the rest.

dbs check provider

Key Factors to Consider when choosing a DBS Check Provider


  • Cost is a significant factor in choosing a DBS check provider.
  • Different providers offer various pricing structures, so it’s essential to compare costs.
  • Aaron’s Department offers transparent pricing with no registration fees, minimum spends, or subscriptions, and low admin fees. You can view our prices here: Aaron’s Department Prices

Quality of Service and Support:

  • Fast and accurate DBS processing is crucial for a smooth onboarding process.
  • A reliable provider should have a user-friendly online platform and prompt, knowledgeable customer support.
  • Our team is available to assist with the application process, address inquiries, and provide advice on DBS eligibility & legislation.

Responsible Organisation Status:

  • DBS checks should only be acquired through a registered “Registered Bodies.”
  • Check the official list of responsible organisations on

Independent Reviews:

  • Reviews, such as those on Google or Trustpilot, offer insights into a provider’s reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
  • Carefully consider factors such as speed, accuracy, customer service, and adherence to deadlines.
  • Bear in mind, however, that there’s very little an Umbrella Body can do about a delayed DBS check until 60-days have elapsed. Most DBS check providers have one or two bad reviews for this reason, but it’s really not their fault!

Registration with the Disclosure Barring Service Office:

  • Ensure the chosen provider is registered with the Disclosure Barring Service office.
  • Registration confirms that the provider meets necessary standards and requirements, instilling confidence in their knowledge and information security practices.

Speed vs Price:

  • Many organisations prioritise speed over price in the fast-paced recruitment environment.
  • Providers like Aaron’s Department emphasise quick turnaround times, ensuring applications are sent for processing the same day, if received by 4:00pm.
  • While cost is important, speed and excellent service are usually worth the extra price!
DBS Check provider

Conclusion – Choosing a DBS Check Provider

Choosing a DBS check provider requires a balance between cost and quality, with consideration for your organisation’s priorities.

Aaron’s Department stands out as a provider that offers efficiency, knowledge, speed, and cost-effectiveness. With a diverse client base spanning all industries, we are well-equipped to meet the specific requirements of your organisation and contribute to its safeguarding efforts.

At Aaron’s Department, we offer a comprehensive solution tailored to your specific needs. From independent care homes to schools, NHS trusts, construction companies, and taxi firms, we’ve got you covered. With a focus on efficiency, knowledge, speed, and cost-effectiveness, we’re committed to supporting your organisation every step of the way.

Conduct thorough research, consider the key factors discussed, and make an informed decision to secure the future of your organisation and then give us a call.

You can reach us on 0113 877 0171 or email or sign up below.

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About The Author

FAQ: Which DBS Is The Best?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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