Consequences for Employers Who Don’t Do DBS Checks

Introduction: Consequences For Employers Who Don’t Do DBS Checks

In business, employers face numerous challenges when it comes to building reliable teams. Unfortunately, some organisations may be tempted to cut corners, neglecting crucial processes such as Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks.

This article explores the consequences for employers who don’t do DBS checks – when they really ought to.

Safeguarding Children And Vulnerable Adults

Amidst the legal and financial implications is the most serious concern: the wellbeing of children and Vulnerable Adults. DBS checks serve as a vital protective measure, acting as a defence against individuals with a history of harmful behaviour.

By sidestepping these checks, employers who don’t do DBS checks heighten the risk of placing those most susceptible to harm in dangerous situations.

Employers Who Don't Do DBS Checks

Legal Consequences

A severe consequence for employers who don’t do DBS checks, is the legal exposure employers open themselves up to. Depending on the industry and the nature of the work, there are often legal requirements mandating the thorough screening of employees.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal penalties, fines, or even legal action against the organisation. Neglecting DBS checks means risking not only legal consequences, but also the associated fallout that can tarnish an organisation’s standing.

An excellent example of the legal consequences of not getting staff DBS checks is Ofsted. If, during a school or nursery inspection, they discover that the employer hasn’t been doing their DBS checks, they’ll close the school and place it under interim management while the breach is investigated.

Compromised Workplace Safety

By choosing not to conduct DBS checks, employers inadvertently expose their workplaces to potential safety risks. Without adequate screening, individuals with a history of criminal behaviour may slip through the hiring process, posing a threat to colleagues, clients, or the public.

This compromises the safety of the work environment, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and potential harm. Employee morale and trust may suffer as a result.

Employers Who Don't Do DBS Checks

Reputational Damage

Every business strives to maintain a positive reputation. Employers who don’t do DBS checks jeopardise this reputation by increasing the likelihood of hiring individuals with questionable backgrounds.

If instances of employee misconduct or criminal activity come to light, the fallout can be devastating. A damaged reputation can lead to a loss of trust among clients, partners, and the public, impacting the bottom line and hindering future business prospects.

Financial Consequences

Skipping DBS checks can have significant financial implications for employers.

Beyond potential legal fines, organisations may find themselves grappling with unforeseen costs associated with incidents stemming from insufficient screening. Legal fees, compensation payouts, and the financial burden of mitigating damage to the organisation’s image can add up quickly.

Investing in comprehensive DBS checks is not only a preventive measure, but also a cost-effective strategy in the long run.

Employers Who Don't Do DBS Checks


In summary, the decision to neglect DBS checks carries serious consequences for employers. From safeguarding issues, legal troubles and compromised workplace safety to reputational damage and financial burdens, the risks associated with bypassing employee screening are numerous and impactful.

It is crucial for employers to recognise the importance of DBS checks and to incorporate them into their standard hiring practices. Prioritising thorough background screening is not just a compliance requirement; it is a proactive step toward safeguarding the organisation, and the people in your care.

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About The Author

Kellie Dawson - Aaron's Department - List Of Offences That Will Be Filtered From A DBS Certificate

Kellie Dawson

Kellie is our in-house legal expert when it comes to DBS checks. With a background in the legal sector, she has become a recognised authority in this area.

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