DBS Prices: How Much Does a DBS Check Cost in 2024?

How much is a DBS Check with Aaron’s Department?

Our DBS Check prices are listed below – ‘the government fee’ refers to the cost of making the application, and goes straight to the government.

Basic DBS Check:

£18 Government Fee
£5.45 Admin Fee (+VAT)

£23.45 Total (+ Admin Fee VAT)

Standard DBS Check:

£18 Government Fee
£8.75 Admin Fee (+VAT)

£26.75 Total (+ Admin Fee VAT)

Enhanced DBS Check:

£18 Government Fee
£10.95 Admin Fee (+VAT)

£48.95 Total (+ Admin Fee VAT)

How do we compare?

If you’ve been shopping around for DBS checks, you’ll already know that our prices are extremely competitive. DBS checks are a legal requirement for many employers (and a desirable extra for many others), so it’s important to find a DBS check provider that offers great value.

DBS Check cost

DBS Check Costs: The Government Fee

The biggest portion of the DBS check cost is the government application fee (sometimes called the DBS fee). It will need paying to whichever Umbrella Body you decide to use, and they will transfer it to the government once the application is sent to the DBS.

Government DBS Fees are as follows:
Basic DBS Check Cost: £18
Standard DBS Check Cost: £18
Enhanced DBS Check Cost: £38
Adult First Cost: £6

If a volunteer requires a Standard or Enhanced check, then no government fee is charged – the only DBS check cost they’ll have to cover is the Umbrella Body’s admin fee. Have a look at our Volunteers Page to find out whether you or your staff qualify.

DBS Admin Fee From The Umbrella Body

The admin fee is what an Umbrella Body charges you for using their services, such as their online system, customer support, checking, and countersigning DBS applications.

Developing an online DBS system takes time and effort, especially to make one as robust, polished, and user-friendly as ours! Thankfully though, our excellent system and high level of service isn’t reflected in our charges. You can view our pricing page using the buttons below:

DBS check cost

Do your homework!

There are a lot of different DBS check providers out there – deciding which to use can be difficult. Here are some things to look out for when comparing the DBS check costs for different Umbrella Bodies:

High Admin Fees

Will a DBS Umbrella Body that charges £40 be able to provide four times as much value compared to a £10 Umbrella Body? Absolutely not!

Check the listed Government DBS Fees

When it comes to the Government Fee portion of the DBS check cost, you should not be charged more than £38 for Enhanced checks, or £18 for Basic and Standard checks. Sometimes, less-scrupulous Umbrella Bodies add a few extra pounds to these government fees to wring a bit of extra money from their customers, which should obviously be a huge red flag!

Fast-track / Express Checking Fees

During our market research, we’ve seen some businesses charging extra for an “express” service, where they make you pay more money for them to check and send off applications slightly faster.

If getting your staff certificates ASAP is a priority for you, consider using Aaron’s Department! We guarantee that all DBS Checks we receive before 4:00pm on weekdays will be processed and sent to the DBS the same day – with no extra charge.

Avoid DBS Sign-Up Fees

Anyone in business should be more than happy to have you use their service, and definitely shouldn’t charge you for the pleasure of signing up.

At the end of the day, the main purpose of sign-up fees is to pressure customers into committing to using a service, whilst wringing a bit of extra money from them. Naturally, sign-up is free at Aaron’s Department, and only takes a few minutes.

Just because a business appears at the top of the Google search results, it doesn’t mean they offer the best value-for-money service!

Furthermore, if you see a listing at the top of Google with the word “AD” or “Sponsored” next to it, give it a miss. It hasn’t appeared there because they provide the best service, have the most customers, or anything like that – Google simply sells the top positions to the highest bidder. If you shop around, you’re likely to find better value elsewhere.

DBS check prices - DBS costs, how much does a DBS cost, how much is a DBS, DBS price

Where Can You Get The Cheapest DBS Checks?

Below, we’ve given a few examples of the prices that other organisations charge, and compared them to our own. To avoid any embarrassment that may occur from this comparison, we have left the names of the firms out, but a quick search of “dbs checks” on Google will bring them up.

All prices listed represent the cost of applying for a single DBS check, with the admin fee shown in bold. This admin fee is the charge for their part in processing the check, and is separate from the fixed government price.

Competitor 1

Basic DBS Check
£18 with an £12.00 +VAT Admin Fee
Standard DBS Check
£18 with an £12.00 +VAT Admin Fee
Enhanced DBS Check
£38 with an £12.00 +VAT Admin Fee

Competitor 2

Basic DBS Check
£23 with a £45.00 +VAT Admin Fee
Standard DBS Check
£23 with a £45.00 +VAT Admin Fee
Enhanced DBS Check
£40 with a £45.00 +VAT Admin Fee

Naughty naughty! Competitor 2 has charged extra on the fixed government fee!

Competitor 3

Basic DBS Check
£18 with a £47.50 +VAT Admin Fee
Standard DBS Check
£18 with a £16.00 +VAT Admin Fee
Enhanced DBS Check
£38 with a £16.00 +VAT Admin Fee

Aaron’s Department (That’s Us!)

Basic DBS Check: £18 with a £5.45 +VAT Admin Fee
Standard DBS Check: £18 with an £8.75 +VAT Admin Fee
Enhanced DBS Check: £38 with a £10.95 +VAT Admin Fee

This chart compares the different admin fees, and as you can see, they’re lowest by far at Aaron’s Department:

Bar chart showing the DBS check costs at Aaron's Department compared to our competitors.
(We update this table every few months to ensure the data’s still relevant)

What does the chart show?

That’s a lot of variation in price for the same job doing. We could have made the table bigger to accommodate our competitor’s growing costs, but frankly, it’s our table, and we still sit comfortably at the bottom of it. And to be clear, we haven’t cherry-picked! All of these Umbrella Bodies show up on page 1 of the Google results, with prices readily available.

What’s going on with Competitor 2?

Competitor 2 was a sponsored post, which means they’ve paid Google to appear at the top of the search results. Not only are their prices sky-high, but they’ve even added a few extra quid onto the “fixed” government fee, which they’ll no doubt be pocketing.

Presumably, their business model relies on people not doing their research properly and clicking the first link they see!

Cost Of A Basic DBS Check

At Aaron’s Department, a Basic check costs just £23.45 (£18 Gov. fee & £5.45+VAT admin fee), but this price can be reduced by paying for applications in bulk.

Cost Of A Standard DBS Check

We offer Standard DBS checks for £26.75 (£18 Gov. fee & £8.75+VAT admin fee), but this price can be reduced by paying for applications in bulk.

Cost Of An Enhanced DBS Check

You can get an Enhanced DBS check with us for £48.95 (£38 Gov. fee & £10.95+VAT admin fee), but this price reduced by paying for applications in bulk.

Honest DBS Check Costs with Aaron’s Department

Over many years, we have heavily focused on developing and improving our online system around our customers’ needs, ensuring we can provide an easy-to-use and affordable service.

Thanks to our efforts and experience, we’ve no need to charge over-the-top fees. It’s also why we have no sign-up fees, fast-track fees, contracts, or hidden costs – simply pay for the DBS Checks you want when you want them!

Interested in our services? Our team is available Monday to Friday, 8:00am until 5:00pm, on 0113 877 0171 (or email contact@aaronsdepartment.com) to help answer any DBS check cost enquiries you may have.

DBS Check Cost

Further Reading

If you’ve found this page useful for your research, you might find these handy too:

About The Author

How To Renew DBS Checks For Staff

Matthew Dugdale

Matthew is our go-to when it comes to all things related to Recruitment & DBS checks. His experience and expertise helps make sure that everyone gets the correct level of check.

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3 years ago

how much will it cost for a enhanced DBS check for 1 of my employee’s please

Aaron's Department
Aaron's Department
3 years ago

Hi Neil,

Enhanced DBS Checks cost £38 (Government fee) plus £6.95 (Admin fee).
You can read about our prices here: https://www.aaronsdepartment.com/dbs-check/dbs-online-price.php or feel free to give our team a ring on 0113 877 0171 to discuss!

Magdalena Smith
Magdalena Smith
1 year ago


I am very frustrated by matrix system, government body and those in power, that orders what we can and cannot do. Why individual cannot apply for enhanced DBS check. Why it has to be through organisation, umbrella body? This does not even make sense….

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  Magdalena Smith
1 year ago

Hi Magdelena,

There’s a lot of complicated rules and procedures when it comes to DBS Checks. Umbrella Bodies have already done all the hard work in understanding these, meaning that other’s don’t have to waste their time doing the same.

Imagine if anyone was allowed to apply for a DBS without properly understanding the rules – this would cause massive (and I mean MASSIVE!) delays with the DBS, as they would have to reject and reply to thousands upon thousands of applications.

Umbrella bodies like ourselves have utilised our knowledge by investing in creating a software application, meaning that any mistakes that will cause a DBS to be rejected will be found before the application is sent off. By having a team of experienced DBS checkers on your side, you can rest assured that you won’t be wasting your time or money.

Alicia Barker
Alicia Barker
1 year ago

Are dbs checks any cheaper for people on low benefits

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  Alicia Barker
1 year ago

Hi Alicia,

The price of a DBS check is the same for everybody.

Donna Wilson
Donna Wilson
1 year ago

Hi. I need an enhanced DBS check for a franchise business I have bought. Can you do this? Thanks

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  Donna Wilson
1 year ago

Hi Donna,

I’ll get a member of our team to email you some information!

1 year ago

Does your enhanced check cover baring list ?

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  nish
1 year ago

Hi Nish,

Yes, upon request (and when the applicant is eligible), a check of the Adult and/or Children Barring list can be done!

Stewart price
Stewart price
1 year ago

Good morning I trying find out how to set up renewal my DBS I have got my checks done and got the certificate but miss the renewal button for the auto renewal

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  Stewart price
1 year ago

Hi Stewart,

A member of our team will be in touch with you to sort it all out!

Maqsood anwar
Maqsood anwar
1 year ago

I need enhanced dbs certificate for taxi driver please

John Schofield-Antoncich
Reply to  Maqsood anwar
1 year ago

Hi Maqsood – I’ve got our Support team to email you over some details. Please let us know if you need anything else.

If anyone else reading this would like to get DBS checks for their staff, you can do so by registering here: https://www.aaronsdepartment.com/dbs/index.php/index_controller/sign_up