DBS Checks for Monarchs

As we all prepare to welcome King Charles III to the throne following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, it’s important to remember that even royalty isn’t above the law. Of course, King Charles can do what he wants (within reason!), but if he did need a DBS check, what would he need?

What Kind of DBS Check Would The New King Need?

Well, let’s start with the basics. Being the Head of State is a position that requires an incredibly high level of public trust, as well as involving a wide variety of roles and duties. Because of the unique circumstances of his position, King Charles III will need an Enhanced DBS check, which will reveal any criminal convictions, cautions, warnings, and reprimands he may have received in the past.

Does The New King Require a Barred Lists Check?

As the head of state, King Charles III will not be required to undergo a barred list check. The barred list check is reserved for individuals who will be working in roles that involve regular contact with children or vulnerable adults. These roles include teaching, social work, and healthcare.

While the King may meet with members of the public, his role is primarily ceremonial and symbolic, and he will not be involved in the day-to-day care of children or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a barred list check is not necessary for his position.

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Which Umbrella Body Should the King and/or His Employers Use For His Highness’s DBS Check?

King Charles or his employers would do well to apply for His Highness’s Enhanced DBS check using Aaron’s Department!

Aaron’s Department is a Registered DBS Umbrella Body, able to process Enhanced DBS checks for employers thanks to our direct link to the government. Some of the perks of using Aaron’s Department are:

♔ Low-cost Enhanced DBS check admin fees, starting from £6.26

♔ An error-proof system that identifies mistakes as you go, ensuring your application is not returned by the DBS.

♔ 3-step, free-of-charge registration – sign up and start getting your Enhanced DBS results in just a few hours.

♔ Professional and knowledgable customer support services ready to answer all your DBS check queries.

♔ Eligibility guidance, both on our website and through our customer support.

♔ A built-in tracking system.

If these sound like benefits you’d like to get hold of, we also serve commoners non-royalty! Get started with the buttons below, or if you have any more questions, ask away at contact@aaronsdepartment.com or +44 113 877 0171. We’re always happy to help.

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