DBS Guide – Transferable DBS Checks

Having to pay for a new DBS when changing roles is a bore, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. It’s possible to get a transferable DBS check in some situations!

Terminology – What is a Transferable DBS check?

A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check is an essential tool used by employers to ensure the safety of their employees and customers. It is a criminal record check that provides information about an individual’s past convictions, cautions, and warnings. Employers may request a DBS check for a variety of positions, such as healthcare professionals, teachers, and those working with vulnerable people.

If a DBS check is transferable, that simply means you are able to use it in different workplaces or different roles within the same workplace.

Transferable DBS Checks – When Can You Transfer a DBS Check?

In some cases, a DBS check is transferable, meaning that an individual can use it for multiple job applications. Here are some situations where a DBS check is transferable:

  1. Moving to a similar job role: If an individual is moving to a similar job role with the same level of access to vulnerable individuals, they may be able to use their existing DBS check for their new employer. This is common in professions such as healthcare, where individuals move between hospitals or care homes. Don’t take this for granted though, you should always check with your employers whether you’re able to do this.
  2. Within the same organisation: If an individual moves to a different position within the same organisation, they may be able to use their existing DBS check. This is especially true if the new position involves the same level of access to vulnerable individuals.
  3. DBS Update Service checks: In some cases, individuals can apply for a transferable DBS check. This is a DBS check that is registered with an online update service, allowing an individual to share their check with multiple employers. Using the Update Service is almost a necessity for those who work in multiple locations or have several part-time jobs.

Getting a Transferable DBS Won’t Always be an Option!

It is essential to remember that a DBS check is not transferable in all situations. Employers may request a new DBS check if an individual is moving to a new job role that involves a different level of access to vulnerable individuals. Similarly, if an individual has a break in their employment, their DBS check may no longer be valid.

Transferable DBS Checks Using the DBS Update Service

The DBS Update Service is a subscription service which allows users to keep their DBS check up-to-date (allowing users to “transfer” it from workplace to workplace!).

In practice, it works on a no-news-is-good-news basis. The individual’s DBS check is paid for and processed as usual, and then can be registered to the Update Service within 30 days of completion. The update service will notify the subscribers’ employers if there are any changes to the employee’s certificate, whereupon a new DBS check must be ordered.

The benefit comes from the fact that – as long as the individual is subscribed and there are no changes to their certificate – their DBS check is valid, there’s no need to pay for any new checks.

Aaron’s Department offers a useful time-saving service which automatically checks employees on the Update Service. Without it, each employee must be checked manually, which is a repetitive and time-consuming job.

If you’re interested in this service for your employees, take a look at our Update Service page, linked here.

Transferable DBS Checks: Summary

In conclusion, you can get a transferable DBS check in certain situations, such as moving to a similar job role or within the same organisation. However, it is always best to check with the employer to ensure that a new DBS check is not required.

How Can Aaron’s Department Help?

Aaron’s Department is a Registered DBS Umbrella Body, able to process all manner of DBS checks for employers. Some of the perks of using Aaron’s Department are:

◉ Low-cost Enhanced DBS check admin fees, starting from £10.95

◉ An error-proof system that identifies mistakes as you go, ensuring your application is not returned by the DBS.

◉ 3-step, free-of-charge registration – sign up and start getting your Enhanced DBS results in just a few hours.

◉ Professional and knowledgable customer support services ready to answer all your DBS check queries.

◉ Eligibility guidance, both on our website and through our customer support.

◉ A built-in tracking system.

If we have answered your questions, and you want to get started, you can create a company account and begin today! Or, if you have any more questions, ask away at contact@aaronsdepartment.com or 0113 877 0171. We’re always happy to help.

About The Author

What happens if I make a mistake on my DBS application?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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