Who Pays For A DBS Check? What You Should Know.

Who Pays For A DBS Check?

A DBS check is necessary to ensure the safety and security of these individuals and organisations, But many people who are asked to have a DBS Check are unsure about who actually pays for it.

Usually, if the employer has asked you to undertake A DBS Check, they will be the ones that pay for the check, however this is not always the case and some employers will ask you to contribute towards the cost of the check.

What Is A DBS Check?

Before delving further, it is important to understand what a DBS check is and why it is necessary. A DBS check is a criminal record check carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service, formerly known as the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). There are three levels of DBS checks, Basic, Standard and Enhanced as well as the Barred List. These checks provide information about an individual’s criminal record, including any convictions, cautions, warnings, or reprimands they have received.

The purpose of a DBS check is to help employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups. The Government provides DBS Eligibility guidance, which you can read here, and we have a handy post explaining more about the basics of DBS Checks you can read here. What is a DBS Check, Understanding The Basics in 2023?

who pays for a DBS Check

Who Is Responsible For Requesting A DBS Check?

The responsibility for requesting a DBS check depends on the type of role and organisation involved. In most cases, the employer or organisation will initiate the check as part of their recruitment process to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable grounds in a regulated activity. For volunteers, the organisation will typically request the check on their behalf. It is important to note that a DBS check cannot be carried out without the consent of the individual concerned.

Who pays for a DBS Check

Who Pays For a DBS Check For Employees?

In the majority of cases, the employer or organisation will be responsible for paying for a DBS check for their employees. This is because the check is required as part of the recruitment process and is therefore a necessary expense for the employer. Some employers may pass on the cost of the DBS check to the employee, but this is not common practice and would need to be agreed upon in advance

Who pays for a DBS Check for employees

Who Pays For A DBS Check For Volunteers?

The charity sector, just like any other business sector, requires safeguarding measures. Charities that work with children and/or vulnerable adults are required by law to perform a DBS check online to determine the suitability of their staff and volunteers. It’s often confusing for charities whether their staff requires a DBS check and if they do, what level of disclosure is needed. To find out who pays for a DBS Check, you can read all about DBS checks for Charities on our dedicated page.

How Much Does A DBS Check Cost?

The cost of a DBS check varies depending on the level of check required. There are three levels of DBS checks: Basic, Standard, and Enhanced. The level of check needed will depend upon the job being undertaken. The prices of each check are different and some employers or organisations may be eligible for a discounted rate or even a free check, Why not get in touch with us here at Aaron’s Department to find out more.

Who Pays For A DBS Check

Conclusion – Who Pays For A DBS Check

In the majority of cases, the answer to the question, who pays for a DBS Check, is that the organisation/employer will pay any DBS costs incurred. Employers typically consider themselves responsible for covering the cost of their employee’s checks as an operating expense. The cost of a DBS check varies depending on the level of check required, and some employers or organisations may be eligible for a discounted

Further Reading

For further information on DBS Checks, why not read another one of our informative articles below.

Spent And Unspent Convictions – What’s The Difference?

Getting a DBS Check For University Staff: 2023 – 2024

Understanding A Volunteer DBS Check

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