DBS Contact Details

If you need to contact the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) directly, there are different ways you can get in touch with them. Below are all the DBS contact details you may need.

DBS Contact Details

  • Telephone No

03000 200 190

We’ve found that the fastest way to speak to a human at the DBS is by pressing 2 for the first question, then 2 for the one after if the check you’re calling about is a Standard or Enhanced.

Basics are handled by a different department at the call centre.

  • Address

DBS customer services
PO Box 3961
Royal Wootton Bassett
United Kingdom

  • Live Chat

Live Chat – this link will take you to the DBS’s live chat service.

  • Email


  • To Make A Barred List Referral


DBS Contact details

Related Content

For further information on DBS Checks, we have put together some articles that you may find helpful.

Do Contractors Working In Care Homes Need DBS Checks?

How Long Will My DBS Certificate Take To Arrive?

Why Is My DBS Check Stuck At Stage 4?

About The Author

What Documents Do I Need For An Enhanced DBS Check?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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