Do Driving Offences Show on DBS Checks?

Do driving offences show on DBS checks? We get this question a lot, and the answer is a bit more involved than a simple “yes or no”.

Not all driving offences are considered to be criminal offences, so for example, a parking ticket would not show on a DBS check, but drink-driving would.

Do Driving Offences Show On DBS Checks?

Not all driving offences are considered to be criminal offences, so some will not appear on DBS checks. Furthermore, the amount of time that has passed since the conviction, and the type of DBS check applied for, can also affect whether it appears on the check.

We’ll go over how this works in practice, step-by-step:

Do Driving Offences Show On DBS Checks: Fixed Penalty Offences

Not all driving convictions are considered criminal offences – some are classed as fixed penalty offences (also known as civil offences). Examples include parking violations, bus lane fines, and speeding tickets. These offences are typically dealt with through fines, points on a licence, and awareness courses, and do not result in a criminal record. By default, they will not show on a DBS check.

Do driving offences show on DBS checks?

Does drink-driving show on DBS checks?

Non-fixed penalty driving offences are more severe. Examples of these include driving without insurance, driving drunk or under the influence of drugs, and reckless driving. In almost all circumstances, these will be disclosed in DBS checks. There is one specific instance where they could be left undisclosed, which we’ll cover next:

Do Driving Offences Show On DBS Checks: Basic Checks and Spent Convictions

Convictions that are considered “spent” under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 will not be disclosed on Basic DBS checks. The length of time required for a conviction to become spent depends on the seriousness of the offence and the sentence imposed. For driving offences, the rehabilitation period usually ranges between five and eleven years, depending on the offence. So, even if you have a criminal driving offence, it won’t necessarily be disclosed by your DBS check.

To find out more about the difference between Spent and Unspent Convictions, you can read our 2023 article here: Spent And Unspent Convictions – What’s The Difference?

Do Driving Offences Show on DBS Checks? A table showing how long convictions take to become spent.

Do Driving Offences Show On DBS Checks: Enhanced Checks & Local Police Information

With Enhanced DBS checks, individual local police forces have the option to include any extra information they possess, if they deem it relevant to the job being applied for. This includes Fixed Penalty Notices – the minor driving offences previously discussed in the article.

These will only be disclosed by a local police force if it’s relevant to the job role. If a person with a few speeding tickets applies to be a nurse, the police probably won’t disclose them. But if the same person applied for a job driving a bus, there’s a fair chance they would.

It’s impossible to say precisely when a Fixed Penalty driving offence will be included as additional information in Enhanced checks because it’s entirely up to the judgement of the police.

What we can say, however, is that it probably won’t make a difference to the applicant’s employment status. Unless the candidate is a seriously bad driver with numerous offences, one or two minor driving offences showing up in an Enhanced DBS check is unlikely to affect a prospective employer’s judgement of a candidate’s suitability for a role.

How do Driving Offences Affect my Job Application?

This depends on the nature of the offence and the job you are applying for, and it’s the employer’s call to make. If the offence is not too severe, if you don’t have too many driving offences, and if driving isn’t an important part of the job role, it may not be an issue for prospective employers.

However, if the role you are applying for involves a lot of driving, especially jobs where you are required to transport passengers, motoring offences may harm your application or even disqualify you from the role.

Summary: Do Driving Offences Show on a DBS Check

In summary, Fixed Penalty driving offences won’t show on DBS checks unless it’s an Enhanced check for a role where such information would be relevant. Other more serious offences will show on every type of DBS check – unless they’re spent, in which case they won’t show up on Basic DBS checks.

Do driving offences show on DBS Checks

Choosing Aaron’s Department For Your DBS Checks

If you’re looking for an Umbrella Body to get your DBS checks with, that’s our business! We’ll quickly go over some of the benefits of getting your DBS checks with Aaron’s Department:

  • Our error-proof system identifies mistakes in real-time, giving users the chance to fix them – incorrect details can lead to the DBS rejecting applications, so we’ve designed a system to avoid that happening!
  • Our 3-step, registration process is fast and free – you could have your DBS results within hours of signing up.
  • Low-cost DBS check admin fees, starting from £5.45
  • Built-in tracking system for easy monitoring of applications’ progress.
  • Free DBS fast-track: every check we receive before 4pm on a weekday is checked, countersigned, and sent on to the DBS the very same day. The faster we do that, the faster you get your check back.
  • Knowledgeable & experienced customer support, along with expert eligibility guidance.

If you need some DBS guidance, simply give us a call on 0113 877 0171, or drop us an email at, and we’ll do our best to help you with any questions you may have.

Further Reading

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