How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?

Digital ID checks allow employers to make sure that their potential employees really are who they say they are, but how long does a digital ID check take?

In this article, we will discuss how a digital ID check can quickly verify someone’s identity.

How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?

Aaron’s Department Digital ID checks provide results in as little as 5 minutes, from the moment the applicant has submitted their documents.

The second you select which applicant needs a digital ID check, they will receive an email and text inviting them to submit their documents.

How Are The Digital ID Checks Completed So Quickly?

For the ID checks to be completed quickly, it is important that the applicant uploads the requested documents as soon as possible. After all, it’s hard to verify documents when they’re not there!

The Digital ID system can then scan the documents, look for any anomalies, and compares it to information that is available on the individual.

How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?

What Happens After The ID Check Is Completed?

Once the digital ID check has been completed, the employer will be notified of the result, so they can quickly move forward with the recruitment process.

If there is any issue with any of the documents uploaded, the applicant will be sent a notification. They can either try to upload it again, or provide another document.

Are Digital ID Checks Faster Than Physically Seeing Documents?

Digital ID checks are undoubtedly much quicker than physically asking to see an applicant’s documents. If the applicant posts the documents, it will take at least 2 days (probably more!), or if they bring them in, it will definitely take more than 5 minutes of everyone’s time.

Summary – How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?

Digital ID checks can provide results in as little as 5 minutes once the applicant has submitted their documents to be verified.

This allows employers to accelerate the recruitment process significantly. On top of this, it is a lot easier than posting the documents, or getting the applicant to come into the office.

At Aaron’s Department, we also use digital ID checks in accordance with official DBS identity checking guidelines as part of the DBS application process. This makes it even quicker to get employees into work.

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Further Reading

If you found this article on “How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?” helpful, you might also want to read about:

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About The Author

How Long Does a Digital ID Check Take?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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