Getting DBS checks for staff in Wales is a straightforward process, but you won’t be able to get them done without the services of an Umbrella Body.
As luck would have it, Aaron’s Department can help you there! We process DBS checks for hundreds of businesses in Wales. For information and advice on the process, keep reading…
What is a DBS check?
DBS checks are criminal background checks used in England, Wales, Man, and the Channel Islands. They disclose applicants’ criminal records to employers, helping them to make safer recruitment decisions. We’ll go into more detail on the types of DBS check available further down the page.

DBS Check Wales vs. Other Regions
First of all, what are the differences between the types of check used across the UK, and can they be used interchangeably?
Wales and England both use DBS checks, but Scotland uses Disclosure Scotland Checks, and Northern Ireland uses AccessNI.
All three variants have access to the same criminal record databases, so in practice, there’s very little difference between them. Legally, you still need to get the right one though!
The rule to follow is:
You need the check for the location that the applicant will be working, not where they currently live. For example, if you were employing someone in Belfast to come and do some contracting work for a school in Holyhead, they’d legally require an Enhanced DBS check, as that’s what is used in Wales.
DBS Check for Employers and Organizations in Wales
Like we mentioned earlier, if you need DBS checks for your staff in Wales, you’ll need the services of an Umbrella Body.
To prevent impersonation, fraud, and unnecessary applications, only a limited number of registered organisations are permitted to request DBS checks – that’s where Aaron’s Department comes in.
Why Use An Umbrella Body?
Aaron’s Department is an Umbrella Body: a government-certified organisation with a direct link to the DBS. It’s impossible to apply for anything higher than a Basic check without this link, so if your staff need Standard or Enhanced checks, you’ll need the services of an Umbrella Body.
Our expertise will ensure that your employees get the right level of check, and that no mistakes are made on the application form. This is crucial because if the DBS themselves detect an application mistake, they will reject the check without refund.

DBS Check Wales Eligibility Criteria
What level of DBS check Wales do your staff need? There are three types of DBS check, and you are only permitted to request the level of check that the employee’s role is eligible for. Determining the eligibility can be a complicated business, so we’ll summarise here and add a few useful links after.
Basic DBS Checks
These disclose an applicant’s unspent convictions and cautions.
Anyone can get a Basic DBS check, but it isn’t a legal requirement for any roles.
Standard DBS Checks
These checks disclose an applicant’s convictions and cautions, whether they are spent or unspent.
These are used infrequently compared to the other two levels, and the roles that require a Standard check are a rather eclectic mix – click here for our guide.
Enhanced DBS Checks
These checks disclose the same information as Standard checks, along with any extra information held by the local police forces conducting the check.
Whenever legally required, a check of one or both of the Barred Lists. This will disclose whether the applicant is barred from working with children or Vulnerable Adults.
Enhanced checks are legally required for roles involving work with children or Vulnerable Adults – which is a legal term that essentially means those receiving personal care or healthcare.
DBS Check Wales Eligibility – Useful Links
- The government’s DBS eligibility tool
- Our eligibility guide
- The government’s DBS eligibility PDF guides – these documents are pretty tricky to wrap your head around, but if you can, you’ll be a DBS eligibility expert.

The Cost of Getting a DBS Check Wales
Here at Aaron’s Department, we have invested heavily in automating and streamlining our online application system. As a result, we can offer some of the best prices on the market without compromising on the quality of our service.
Click here for our prices!
DBS Check Wales: Tips for a Smooth Application Process
Nobody wants delays with their DBS checks, or even worse, rejections. Here’s our advice for making sure your checks go smoothly:
Complete Address History
The DBS requires each applicant’s full address history from the past 5 years. The number of times we see applications being withdrawn because the applicant has failed to disclose an address, is disheartening because it’s such an easy thing to avoid! If you’re in any doubt, double-check with your applicant.
Complete Name History
The DBS requires each applicant’s full name history, with the years each name was used from and to – including middle names. Failure to disclose a name is an automatic rejection, so please make sure your applicants know this!
Also, bear in mind that nicknames and aliases aren’t legal names. Jim is short for James, Bill for William, Daisy for Margaret (I never knew that one), etc. The DBS wants legal names.
Address Unit Numbers
This one is self-explanatory. If your applicant has lived in a flat, make sure the flat number is included in the address! This mistake can sometimes sneak through the whole DBS process unchallenged, but the DBS much prefers “Flat 14 Crofters House” to just “Crofters House”, for example.
Root Out Those Typos
A typo in a name or address can be enough for the DBS to reject an application, so double-check those street names, surnames, and any other names you’ve had to enter.

DBS Check Wales: Summary
DBS checks are a legal requirement for many roles in Wales and England. They inform employers of their employees’ criminal records. You’ll have to ensure that you are requesting the correct level of check, and that the application contains no mistakes, or else the check could be rejected by the DBS.
If you need checks for your staff, or have any other questions, please do get in touch! You can reach our team at, or give us a call on 0113 877 0171–we’ll be happy to assist.
If you’d like to register for DBS checks with us, you can do so for free – no sign-up fees or subscriptions – using the buttons below.
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About The Author

John Schofield-Antoncich
John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!