Can I Amend My DBS Once It Has Been Submitted?

Can I Amend My DBS Once It Has Been Submitted?

You can amend your DBS application up until the moment it is sent to the DBS Office. Once they receive the application, they will not let anybody make any changes to it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an Umbrella Body like Aaron’s Department, a Company, or the applicant themselves – the DBS simply will not make any exceptions!

Can I Amend My DBS Application Before It Is Sent To The DBS?

Your application can always be amended up until the minute the Registered Body processing the application submits it to the DBS.

If you suddenly realise there is a mistake, the first thing to do is check who currently has the application. If it is still with your organisation for Evidence Checking, you should get in touch with them as soon as possible! They will be able to make any changes you need as they check through the DBS application themselves.

However, if you see that your company has checked it, and submitted it to the Registered Body for Countersigning, let your company know straight away. They can then get in touch with the Registered Body (like us), who will be able to return it, so the changes can be made.

Can I amend my Dbs once it has been submitted

Conclusion – Can I Amend My DBS Once It Has Been Submitted?

You can amend your DBS application up until it has been sent to the DBS Office. Once it is there, no changes can be made to the application. However, if it has not been sent to the DBS, changes can still be made.

Further Reading

If we have answered your question, Can I amend my DBS once it has been submitted, and you have any further questions, we have more useful articles below or on our blog page, or you can call us on 0113 877 0171 or email

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About The Author


John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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