An Easy Guide To DBS Security Staff Checks – 2024

Introduction – DBS Security Staff Checks

DBS Security Staff Checks – People working as security staff require a DBS check because of their role, but what level of DBS is needed?

The short answer is that, Security guards (who require an SIA licence) need to have a Standard DBS check to be able to perform their role, but let us explain further.

Regulatory Bodies for Security

The people responsibly for regulating the security industry are the Security Industry Authority, or, SIA.

Specific roles in this industry require licences which are issued by the Security Industry Authority and as part of the application process, the SIA will perform a Standard DBS check.

Getting DBS Security Staff Checks

Security guards (who require an SIA licence) need to have a Standard DBS check to be able to perform their role.

DBS Security Checks, By Aaron's Department.

Why Do Security Staff Need a DBS Check?

Security staff are responsible for protecting people, property, and assets from various types of threats. This includes preventing theft, vandalism, terrorism, and other types of criminal activity. Due to the nature of their job, security staff need to be trustworthy, reliable, and have a strong sense of integrity.

Security staff often work in sensitive environments, such as airports, government buildings, and healthcare facilities. These environments require a high level of security and confidentiality, and any breaches could have serious consequences. Therefore, a DBS security staff check is essential in ensuring that security staff have a clean criminal record and can be trusted with sensitive information.

What Does a Standard DBS Check Show?

Standard DBS checks will reveal any spent and unspent convictions, reprimands, warnings, and cautions. You can read more about standard DBS checks here. Standard DBS

Which Security Roles Require an SIA Licence?

An SIA licence will be required if the security role is considered to be a “licensable activity” or falls under a “contract for services”.

A ‘licensable activity’ can include:

  • Security Guard.
  • Door Supervisor.
  • Guarding Cash or Valuables in Transit.
  • Key Holding.

A ‘contract for services’ refers to when the service is supplied to an external organisation.

What Roles Do Not Require an SIA Licence?

There are a few positions that do not require an SIA licence, and will therefore not qualify for a Standard DBS security staff check.

However, they can get a Basic DBS Check, as this is something available to anyone, and you do not have to be legally eligible to request one.

People working security in these roles include:

  • Volunteers.
  • Stewards.
  • People Checking Tickets at Events.
  • Staff at Certified Sports Grounds.
  • Staff at Airports (working in screening, access control or any other security role).
DBS Security Staff Checks - Airport staff only qualify for a Basic DBS check.

Do Any Roles need an Enhanced DBS Security Staff Check?

We know that some security roles require a Standard DBS check, but do any roles require an Enhanced DBS check?

This is the most in-depth check that can be done, and includes everything a Standard DBS check includes, as well as any information that local police deem relevant about the individual.

Enhanced DBS checks can also include barred list checks, and this is important as people who require these checks will involve roles that work with vulnerable groups. If the role does not involve working with children or vulnerable adults, then a Standard or Basic check will suffice.

In the majority of cases, security staff won’t be working in areas with frequent enough opportunity for contact with children or vulnerable adults to justify an Enhanced DBS check. (Frequent contact is defined as more than 3 times within a 30-day period.)

Why DBS Security Staff Checks Are A Good Idea

Knowing that security staff have undergone rigorous background checks can help to build trust with clients and customers. It can also provide reassurance to employees and help to create a safer working environment.

If you need DBS Checks for your staff, you’re in the right place. Aaron’s Department is an Umbrella Body, a business that facilitates DBS checks for other organisations.

DBS Security

The benefits of using Aaron’s Department for your DBS Security Staff Checks:

  • Low-cost DBS check admin fees, starting from £5.45.
  • Our error-proof system identifies mistakes in real-time, giving users the chance to fix them – incorrect details can lead to the DBS rejecting applications.
  • Our 3-step, registration process is fast and free – you could have your DBS results within hours of signing up.
  • Knowledgeable & experienced customer support.
  • Eligibility guidance.
  • Built-in tracking system for easy monitoring of applications’ progress.

If these are perks you’d like to take advantage of, simply click the buttons below to register and get started. Or, if you have any more questions, ask away at or +44 113 877 0171. We’re always happy to help.

Further Reading?

For further articles on DBS checks, why not have a read of some of our latest posts, we have articles written about whether previous driving offences show on your check, Do Driving Offences Show On A DBS Check? as well as answering questions such as What Is The Police National Computer?

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