Do Pharmacists Need A DBS Check?
Do pharmacists need a DBS check? How about other members of staff working in a chemist/pharmacy? The answer to this question varies depending on the specific role and responsibilities of the employee, with checks against both the Children’s and Adult’s Barred Lists.
Unlike healthcare establishments such as medical centres, GP surgeries, or hospitals, pharmacies primarily deal with the distribution of medication rather than direct patient care. Therefore, while a Pharmacist will be eligible for an Enhanced DBS Check, other roles are eligible for different levels of check.

DBS Checks for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians:
All pharmacies employ registered pharmacists, who are subject to regulations set by the General Pharmaceutical Council. Due to their involvement in regulated healthcare activities, Pharmacists are eligible for Enhanced DBS Checks with checks against both the Children’s and Adult’s Barred Lists.
Likewise, registered pharmacy technicians, who are considered care professionals, are also eligible for Enhanced DBS Checks with barred list checks. Their work involves a high level of responsibility, justifying the need for these checks.
DBS Checks for Medication Delivery Personnel:
In the case of employees or volunteers responsible for delivering medications to a pharmacy, there is no legal or regulatory requirement for a DBS Check. However, some pharmacies may exercise good safeguarding practice by requesting a Basic DBS Check to reveal any unspent convictions.
If the employee is licensed under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 to carry controlled drugs, they must undergo an Enhanced DBS Check in the Other Workforce category.

DBS Checks for Pharmacy Assistants and Dispensers:
The level of DBS Check eligibility for pharmacy assistants and dispensers depends on the location of the pharmacy and their specific roles. In general, if they provide healthcare advice under the supervision of a pharmacist, they are eligible for an Enhanced DBS Check. However, the location of the pharmacy may require additional checks against the Barred Lists.
For instance, pharmacy assistants or dispensers in a high street pharmacy may only need an Enhanced DBS Check, whereas those working in a GP surgery may require an Enhanced DBS Check with further Barred List checks.
If pharmacy assistants or dispensers provide advice and guidance directly concerning patient care, but not under the direction of a healthcare professional, they can have an Enhanced check (Child and Adult Workforce) with a check of the Children’s Barred List. If they don’t provide advice to adults and children in their role, they may be eligible for a Standard DBS Check, since they have access to patients in receipt of healthcare.
DBS Checks for Other Roles in a Pharmacy:
For those with infrequent or no patient contact, a Basic DBS Check is sufficient, as it has no specific eligibility requirements and is available to anyone over the age of 16.

Conclusion: Do Pharmacists Need A DBS Check?
In conclusion, to answer the question, Do Pharmacists need a DBS Check, while a pharmacist is entitled to an Enhanced DBS Check with Barred Lists, the eligibility of other pharmacy employees for DBS Checks depends on their roles, the nature of the drugs they handle, and the pharmacy’s location.
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About The Author

John Schofield-Antoncich
John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!