FAQ: How To Get A Replacement DBS Certificate

If something’s happened to your DBS certificate and you need a new one, your options are very limited, but it’s not impossible. In this quick guide, we’ll go over what you can do if you need a replacement DBS certificate.

Conditions For Getting A Replacement DBS Certificate

Between 14 – 93 days from completion

The DBS will only issue a replacement DBS certificate if it has been over 14 days since the check reached Stage 5 (that is, the printing and postage stage). If it has been more than 93 days since the check reached Stage 5, the DBS will not consider any requests for a replacement DBS certificate.

Reason for the request

The DBS will only replace certificates that failed to arrive in the post. If the replacement is being requested because the original has been misplaced or damaged, the DBS will not issue a certificate reprint.

Only 1 reprint allowed

Only one replacement certificate will be issued per check.
If your replacement hasn’t turned up either, a new application will have to be made.

Current Address

The DBS will only post the certificate to the Current Address listed on the DBS application. If you have changed addresses since making your application, you’ll need to set up a postal redirect to the new address.

FAQ: How To Get A Replacement DBS Certificate

Aaron’s Department Customers

If your DBS application was made using our platform, then the organisation requesting the check can use the Dashboard to request a reprint.

Anyone with a Company Admin-level account can find your name on our main dashboard, and use the Status column to request a reprint.

This can be done in just a couple of minutes – our system will handle the rest.

FAQ: How To Get A Replacement DBS Certificate
FAQ: How To Get A Replacement DBS Certificate

Everyone Else

If your check hasn’t been completed using Aaron’s Department, you can request a reprint directly from the DBS.

You’ll need to call the DBS on 0300 020 0190, navigate their call centre, and provide some personal details. You’ll also be asked to explain why the reprint is required. Remember, the DBS won’t issue a reprint if it’s been misplaced or damaged!

Alternatively, there is also a form you can download on the DBS’s website, which needs completing and returning by email to: DBSReprints@dbs.gov.uk

Summary: Getting A Replacement DBS Certificate

In summary, it’s possible to get a replacement DBS certificate posted to the current address given on your application form, as long as it has been requested between 14 and 93 days of the check being completed.

This can be done by calling the DBS and telling them the certificate has not arrived. If the DBS learns that you have lost or damaged your certificate, they will not issue a replacement DBS certificate.

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How Aaron’s Department Can Help You

Do you need DBS checks for the staff at your organisation?
We offer fast, affordable, and error-proof DBS applications for employers. Follow the link below to read more about what we offer:

DBS Checks For Employers

Our Operations Team are also available to assist with any queries you may have. Give us a call on 0113 877 0171, or email contact@aaronsdepartment.com – we’re always happy to help!

Further Reading

If you’ve found our post about replacement DBS certificates helpful, you might also be interested in these posts:

About The Author

FAQ: How To Get A Replacement DBS Certificate

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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