What is a DBS Certificate? A 2024 Summary

What is a DBS Certificate?Introduction

What is a DBS Certificate? A DBS certificate is a document that provides information about an individual’s criminal record. A DBS certificate is issued by the Disclosure and Barring Service, (DBS) after a DBS Check has been completed.

What Is A DBS Certificate

What is a DBS Certificate? The Three Types Of DBS Checks

There are three different types of DBS checks: the Basic DBS check, the Standard DBS check, and the Enhanced DBS check. The Basic DBS check shows unspent convictions and cautions, while the Standard DBS check shows spent and unspent convictions, cautions, warnings, and reprimands. The Enhanced DBS check shows the same information as a standard check, as well as any relevant information held by local police forces or other government departments. To find out more about the difference between spent and unspent convictions, you can read our popular article here. Spent and Unspent Convictions: What is the difference?

What is a DBS Certificate? What Information Is Contained On My DBS Certificate?

The information on a DBS certificate can include:

  • Personal details: such as name, date of birth, and address
  • Disclosure information: which shows if the individual has any criminal convictions, cautions, warnings, or reprimands
  • Additional information: which can include any relevant information held by local police forces or other government departments
  • Your Unique DBS Certificate Number – This 12-digit number can be found in the top-right corner of your DBS Certificate

It’s important to note that not all convictions will be disclosed on a DBS certificate. The type of conviction, how long ago it occurred, and whether it’s considered relevant to the position you’re applying for will all be considered.

What is a DBS Certificate

Can I access my Certificate Online?

One question that many people have is whether they can access their DBS certificate online. The answer is “sort of”.

You can see a summary of your results on the government DBS website, but this is not your certificate and isn’t legally valid.

Alternatively, you can sign up for the DBS Update Service, which allows you to keep your DBS certificate up to date and share it with potential employers. This also only shows a summary, and if the Update Service detects a change in your criminal record, a new check must be applied for. We have a handy article detailing more about the DBS Update Service, that you can read here. DBS Update Service

The DBS Update Service also allows employers to carry out instant online checks to see if there have been any changes to an individual’s criminal record since their last DBS check. This can be particularly useful for positions that require regular checks, such as those working in healthcare or education.

It’s important to note that not all employers will accept a DBS certificate from the Update Service. Some employers may require a new DBS check to be carried out for each position, while others may accept a certificate that’s been issued within a certain timeframe (usually within the last three to six months).

Where Can I Find My DBS Number?

Another question that we get asked is Where can I find my DBS Number? We have compiled a useful post about where you can find your DBS number here. Where Can I Find My DBS Number?

Conclusion – What is a DBS Certificate?

To answer the question, What is a DBS Certificate, a DBS certificate is a document that provides information about an individual’s criminal record, and is required for anyone who wants to work or volunteer with vulnerable groups. The information on the certificate includes personal details, disclosure information, and additional information.

If you’re an employer needing DBS checks for your staff, as an Umbrella Body, we provide a fast and easy-to-use DBS application & checking service. Our error-proof system detects mistakes as they’re being made, giving you time to correct them, as well as every application being checked by one of our experienced countersignatories.

This, alongside our in-built tracking system, allows us to confidently send out any DBS application we get within the same day (before 4pm). If you want to find out more, you can use the buttons below to register for our services, or contact us at contact@aaronsdepartment.com.

DBS Certificate

Further Reading

We hope you have found our article, What Is A DBS Certificate, useful. For further information on DBS Checks, we have put some of our useful articles below.

The Difference Between CRB and DBS

The Most Common DBS Check Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Understanding The Definition Of Vulnerable Adults

About The Author

FAQ: How Often Should DBS Checks Be Renewed In Schools?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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