What Are Specified Places?

Specified places, known as limited range of establishments, are places set out in legislation which mean that any individual working there, and meet the required frequency of work, will be eligible for a DBS check.

Examples of Specified Places For Children

Specified places include, but are not limited to:

  • Nurseries
  • Schools
  • Children’s Homes
  • Childcare Premises

For a more detailed list, the Department of Education has made a guide to regulated activity in relation to children.

Examples of Specified Places For Vulnerable Adults

There is actually no establishments for vulnerable adults that are deemed to be ‘specified places’. As a general rule though, applicants who are going into the following places are eligible for Standard or Enhanced checks because of their frequent access to people receiving care:

Specified Places`

What Is The Frequency of Specified Places That Needs To Be Met?

For those working at specified places, they would need to be meeting one of the following frequencies to entitle them to a DBS check:

  • Once a week or more often
  • More than 3 days in a 30-day period
  • Overnight (2am-6am), with the opportunity for face-to-face contact with children.

It’s important to note that the more than 3 days rule applied to those who visit multiple specified places.

For example, if a contractor went to one school for 2 days, and another for 2 days, they would meet the requirements.

Conclusion – What Are Specified Places?

Specified places which mean that any individual working there, and meeting the required frequency of work, will require a DBS check.

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About The Author

How Easy Is It To Get A DBS Check?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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