Can I Upgrade My Basic DBS To Enhanced?

Introduction – Can I Upgrade My Basic DBS To Enhanced?

If you need an Enhanced DBS Check, but have done a Basic DBS Check, you will need to reapply for a new check. It is not possible to upgrade your existing DBS certificate.

Eligibility To Upgrade From Basic To Enhanced

Not everyone is eligible for an Enhanced DBS check. This level of check is usually for those who will be performing regulated activities with Vulnerable Adults and/or children.

Examples of jobs that can require an Enhanced DBS Check include:

Can I Upgrade My Basic DBS To Enhanced?

Can I Use My Basic Certificate Whilst I Wait For My Enhanced DBS Check?

If a role requires an Enhanced DBS check, you cannot legally start work until the Enhanced check has been completed, and the certificate has been seen by the employer.

It is illegal to work in a role that involves regulated activity with a vulnerable group if you do not have the correct level of DBS check.

How Do I Know What DBS Check I Need?

Below are some general rules you can follow to see what check is required for a job role:

Basic DBS Check: Can be used for any job, that doesn’t require a Standard or Enhanced DBS Check.

Standard: The position requires a high level of trust, such as having access to sensitive data, or handling finances.

Enhanced: The job includes having regulated activity with Vulnerable Adults or children.

Of course, we can’t mention every situation that a check is needed. If you need further clarification, you should read the DBS eligibility guides, and see which Legislative Wording matches the job role.

Conclusion – Can I Upgrade My Basic DBS To Enhanced?

It is not possible to upgrade your existing DBS certificate. If you have a Basic DBS, and require an Enhanced DBS, you will have to reapply. However, you can only request an Enhanced DBS check if your job role is eligible for it.

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Further Reading

If you found our article, “Can I Upgrade My Basic DBS To Enhanced?” helpful, you may also want to read about:

About The Author


John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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Saamiya Abdinor
Saamiya Abdinor
6 months ago

i need to update my basic DBS to an enhance.